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Post-Investment Consulting Service
Post-Investment adversary and strategic feasibility study on your investment in China
Services we provide:
1. Continuous sales and marketing
2. Changes and alternations
1) Declaration
2) Registration
3) Approval
3. Intellectual Property Rights Protection
1) Patent
2) Brand Name
3) Trademark
4) Copyright
5) Unfair Competition
4. Litigations
5. Retreat Mechanism
1) Termination
2) Capital Transfer
3) Secondary Market Sale
4) Bankruptcy and Liquidation
Why us?
Shanghai Huaran Investment Consulting Co., Ltd
Our market entry services are developed for industrial companies with technical products searching for opportunities in business-to-business markets.
We keep intensive consultation with the government and develop a good relationship with local authorities;
Shanghai Huaran Investment Consulting Co., Ltd
Our market entry services are developed for industrial companies with technical products searching for opportunities in business-to-business markets.
We keep intensive consultation with the government and develop a good relationship with local authorities;
We help our customers to formulate their strategy towards Chinese government in favor of their business growth.